First Floor Tour: the Dining Room

DSC_0143Ladies and gentlemen, not only am I (finally) continuing the first floor tour, but this one actually includes a sneak peak of the living room as shown above! Since the dining and living rooms are open to each other, it’s really impossible to show one without the other.

As you can see above, the only alteration that has been made to the actual house is painting one wall navy blue (the other side is also painted, which you will see in the living room post.)

DSC_0144As for the furniture, this dining room needed a larger table than the one we already had. My parents kindly gave us this black table, which can be made smaller by removing two leaves from the middle and dropping the sides down, should we so choose.

DSC_0145The hoop back chairs also came from my mother. I painted them a bright blue to to bring some color in to the room. (Alsoturns out you can see some of that navy in this photo, too! Check it out.)


That chair in the corner (affectionately named “the dog’s chair” since she is the only one who sits in it) is a side-of-the-road find.

The piano came from Jon’s mother. Sadly I have not been playing it as much as I should, but I am still very happy that we have it in the house!

DSC_0147I decided to try decorating with books for the top of the piano. I chose the books specifically for their colors. They are also pretty good books. That amazing wooden bowl was a wedding gift, and the hand once belonged to a Sak’s Fifth Avenue mannequin (before they closed in the mid-2000s.)

That’s our dining room! Like I said, you will be able to see the other end when I show photos of the living room.

Do you have a piano? How often do you play it? How about side-of-the-road furniture?

3 thoughts on “First Floor Tour: the Dining Room

  1. Cory

    I played the piano for 7 years when I was younger. I remember my teacher always giving me boring old musical pieces to play, so I stopped practicing. When we would have performances all the other kids would play cool hip renditions of popular songs I would be playing Bach’s 18283610 sonata that no one has ever heard of. So I quit… we own 2 pianos at my parents house. An electric one that I would practice on and a 120 year old one that my great great grandpa built.

    I also think that 80% of my furniture Is side of the road furniture. I am too broke to pay for that matchy crap.

    I love your lil house. ALSO! you can see Anna in the window above the piano. Little Babushka Anna. 🙂

    1. ladydemonte Post author

      I also played for about seven years. I can still read music just fine, but I never learned to play by ear. I would love to be able to just sit down and start playing something.

  2. Pingback: First Floor Tour: the Living Room | House DeMonte

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